
ride hard
ride fast
into the ground
dig down
to the core
of the dirt bike

the dirt bike is a shovel
if you gun it right
kicking up dirt,
it will draw you down
for weeks on end

i've seen the bottom
where dirt bike growls
are reduced to murmurs
and the earth's mantle
becomes the dirt bike's
final grave

ride hard
ride fast
into the ground
dig down


wicked wheelie
spinning hard
the rider wobbles
regains control
the wheelie ends
the crowd growls

it was alright
not great
shame until
another day


a hard landing
a broken bone
she lays on her side
a dirt bike

the engine's heat
soothes my broken bone
engine roars
like a hawk
the meaning of life
in one cylinder
or less
a vapor trail
of dirt
i gun it


two dirt bikes in the distance
like blazing bumble bees
toiling for honey

the honey is dirt

and the sweet dirt

dirt across my face
i ride hard
riding all day
toward destination: unknown

blistering arizona
i'll ride for you, i'll
kill for you
every day
so long as the victim is dirt

flying through the air
a dirt bike
it's petroleum wings
shimmer in the dusty air
the driver guns it
and lands in the dirt
the wheel kicks up cracked mud
and the crowd cheers

just another day
at the dirt bike track
they say you can take
the bike out of the dirt
but you can't take
the dirt out of the bike

i took the bike out of the garage
and rode into the arizona sunrise
the crisp soil
breaks in half
the engine roars
the kick stand
is kicked
this is dirt biking
at its finest hour
a rainbow of dirt
a rainbow of dirt

my dirt bike was broke
and now it is fixed
back at work:
it kicks up the arizona soil
dirt bike
in your face
in the world's face
are we ready?
ride and find out!

...only some were ready
george washington rode a dirt bike
napoleon rode a dirt bike
tim allen rode a dirt bike
i ride a dirt bike
my dirt bike
across the face of time
the sign says
but fuck that
i ride my dirt bike
and that's that

kicking up layers of dirt
into authority's face
i rode my dirt bike forever
to the end of time
and then some more
long after it ran out of gas
the momentum carried me down-
down the dirt bike trail

and long after the engine fails
i still ride my dirt bike-
down the dirt bike trail

under the sky
a faint rumble
not an earthquake
not a big truck
nor has thunder struck
a dirtbike
is playing thunderstruck
and cruising fast
the wind blows on
the drivers teeth
beneath the visor
and her mouth
is dry
and a rainbow of dirt
kicks the arizona sky
awesome dirtbike
taking names
kicking asses
and going fast
fill it with gas
do a stoppie on main street
then smoke a big cigarette
a rainbow of brown dirt
and grey smoke
fills main street
the dirt bike shines
in the sweet moon glow
and rumbles
in the sweet darkness
they say the kickstand
is the dirt bike's soul
a sweet soul pressed
the sweet
bad ass dirt bike
like seriously
bad fuckin ass
top of the pile
the bad fuckin ass pile
because it clumb
all the way up
i want this dirt bike
to feel its strength
in my waning thighs
and sing its song
with a wrist twist
vroom vroom
bad fuckin ass
it sings into
dirt bikes
they hit the start line
with diesel prejudice
and gun it up
over to the finish
the winner's fist
pumps through
the baking arizona air

a little boy runs fingers
through his mullet
and wants to be
a winner someday
like the fist pumping winner
of today's dirt bike race
so much depends upon
the red dirt bike
glazed with miller high life
beside the white audience
sick ass dirt bike
kickin up dirt
it forms a dirt rainbow in the sky
thirteen eagles cry
and the american flag
stays bless'd
for another day