
dirt bike in the road
spinning sick and hard wheelies
japanese rider
a bird tweets hard in the morning dew
i put on my riding gloves and go out the screen door
straddling the blue yamaha bike, i hit the gas
kicking dirt into the morning dew

morning dew
receptacle of beauty
whether kicked up dirt or a hard bird's tweet
or the sound of my gunning it
or the rumble of tires roaring
you suck it up
like a little tape recorder
only to be eaten
by the hungry sun


the air pulsates with hard rumbles
deep in a sunny saturday afternoon

i put my helmet on
its dark visor clouding out the sun
and i kick the kickstand loose
kicking up minimal amounts of dirt
but a foreshadow of things to come

mounting the bike
i gun it staunchly
and blast through the arizona dirt
my pursuer rumbling nearer
even as i gun it harder

deep in a sunny saturday afternoon
the chase goes on,
the gap gets smaller,
until finally
i can see my pursuer's face

with wrinkled eyes and pale skin
he winks at me
winking hard
a ghost of things to come

the chase goes on,
the gap gets smaller,
but like mathematical concepts
it never closes
just getting smaller and smaller
into infinity

i can see my pursuers face
in forever increasing clarity
its minuscule details
winking harder
deep in a sunny saturday afternoon

the air pulsates with hard rumbles
deep in a sunny saturday afternoon


so many sick wheelies
zig zagging through the graveyard
ghosts of riders past
doing deep stunts
as the moon glows hard
in the brown arizona sky

the morning soil is cold
and the souls of riders past
end their wheelies
and whisper off into the darkness
faintly gunning it
as the sun peeks its head up
i got a fortune cookie
the other day

it said
"you will gun it hard"

history repeats
as i kick the kickstand out
and shoot away from the chinese restaurant
with daunting speed

gunning it hard
to the smell of pork fried rice
and the hue of sunset
dirt bike
what is in a name
dirt bike
an eternal flame
dirt bike
seven in a line
dirt bike
a race through time

i gun the dirt bike
and hit the dirt
with racing speed

dirt bike
is all i need
the bike spits in my face
not from hate
but from gunning hard
i taste the soil
like sugar on my lips
a dichotomy of sweetness and grit
my heart swims hard
as i make love to
the dirt bike's soul
the dark dirt flies hard into the air
flaking off as i put
pedal to the metal

with clenched hands
i ride hard