
steed with two wheels
growls humbly
in the morning luster
as the grooves in my boots
clench hard to the dirt bike's body
i flick my wrist
like a piano player
in a soft passage
and my mellow gunning it
slinks through the valley
waking bird and beast
a mellow prelude
to the growing day


thick dirt crunches in the morning mist
her wild eyes shoot a glare at the daunting ramp
she accelerates with gusto
trumps the ground
the distant mountains echo with the sounds of gunning it
as the dirtbike rumbles fast
she rocks a deep landing
and she can hear the thump echo
the mountains, her audience, send their approval with massive claps
sole dirtbike but no rider
no rider but the dirtbike's soul
with humanity gone,
she rides, still


fat smoke gusts through the air
a spinning motion
rubber on soil
the ramp gets bigger
in the eye of the tire
rubber on plywood
the plywood creaks
the rider guns it
fat smoke sprays out the back
rubber on air
sick air is gotten
rubber thumps back on dirt
the fat smoke clears
and the rider guns around
to do it all again