
spiraling down
the muddy mountainside
a dirt bike rocks
gravitational stunts
and as the rider
topples over the front
a scream is heard
from the muddy mountainside


heavy stunts shoot across the soil
a red helmet reflects the sun light
blue jeans are stained brown with dirt delight


i got food poisoning from bad thai
it made me retch, made me hallucinate...
distorted dirt bikes swirled in my eyes
as my stomach did wheelies on my face

as the poison in my stomach
mixed the real with the fake
my guts hit ramps
with a stabbing ache

the evacuation sounded like
a motor's strain
it was then i understood
a dirt bikes pain

for six hours i fluctuated
between dirt bike and man
alternating between
two wheels and two hands

i retched and i gunned
spitting dirt and phlegm
cursing the thai
and all of thaiwan

but after a while
the pain went away
the wheels became hands
and hands they did stay

for a while i was mad
about the bad food
but as i reflected
i traded in my mood

for all of the pain
and rhea of diar
i finally experienced
the dirt bike's fire

so if you ever eat
some poisonous thai
and get horribly sick
with arrhea of di

and vomit and visions
of dirt bikes galore
remember my friend
an end is in store

just tighten your helmet
and rock some big stunts
kick out the thai food
from back and in front

and if your big stunts
get particularly lush
grace the handle
with a courtesy flush


winding dirt based trails
prevail into the distance
fervid gunning riders
make speed
their only mission
no wheelies
no other stunts
only speed
on this dangerous course
a scene of dirt bike racers
gunning with maximum force


huge revving
scoops silence from the canyon
and deposits it to distant lands
this new noise simmers
shaking rocks and dirt
from the salty cliffs
down into the eyes of
the giants of dirt bike lore

the giants
they wake from their steady sleep
and wipe away the debris
and climb to their feet
and climb to their dirt bikes
and they gun it hard
joining the chorus
of huge revving

with their combined revving
the dirt bike masses
shake the canyon
down to its bones
and fill the earth
with dirt bike spirit


a dirt bike passed my window
sputtered loud on the paved streets
it was cold and wet that day
a bad day for dirt bike feats
as it sputtered into the distance
rain gathered on the pane
i took a nap and dreamed
of doing dirt bike feats again


hectic dirt based stunts
spin like spinning tops
on malleable ground
a careful ballet
of danger
and gunning
and cunning
painting a brown tornado
in the temperate air


rippling dirt waves
cut patterns in the mist
wild velvet sunset
paints silence on the mess
dirt bike horizontal
still warm
without momentum
monumental dirt bike crash
one thousand miles
from anything


valves churn
with force
27 horse
dirt burn

wild wheel
jet hard
dirt yard
stunt squeal

sick trick
handle twist
dirt mist
runs thick

bright day
hot air
muddy hair
right way


ashen ground
crystal sky
motors ring out
like church bells
in the blistering contrast
wild clouds form shapes of riders past
water vapor stunts
rock across the sky
time flies
as dirt bikes fly


twenty dirt bike riders
gunning in a line
tilling barren ground
as the dirt rips through the sky

the air is rough with roaring
as twenty dirt bikes tear along
the ground is fresh with tire tracks
the dirt bikes sing their song

twenty dirt bike riders
gunning in a pack
the dirt fades out behind them
there is no going back


steep obstacles
fill the path
of dirt bike determination
horsepower gallops through the motor,
and escapes with rumbling neighs
gunning it astutely
the rider challenges the obstacles
he completes the leaps
like an astute horseback rider
and returns the dirt bike to its stable
where he feeds it a gasoline reward


proud arizona dirt
spread thick across the land
the earth coughs
and birds fly
dirt bikes fly
and the riders cough
gunning fast across the land
proud arizona dirtbike
ramps, ramps, ramps
pointing high into the air
plywood, nails, and dirt
escalating me to new heights
momentum builds
as i gun it with focus
i hit the ramps and soar
painting arcs of dirt delight


the dirt bike sweeps
the dusty ground
with crusty wheels
it spits deep brown
the grace of gunning
curls through the air
a salient squeal
dirt in my hair
i rev the gas
the motor purrs
sick stunts abound
the hot wind whirs
i rock the course
and land the stunts
but deep inside
i'm all alone...


wild elegance
tears across
arizona sunshine
smooth shifting
engine growls
hot air
spews across
open road
rip deep stunts
in summertime dirt
gun it hard
as spokes rumble
a succession of stunts
in summertime dirt
radiate like crop circles