
what is in the composition of a high dirt pile?
dirt for sure, but what comes between the dirt?
specks of air?
the sound of a motor's flare?
the smell of gas fumes?
night crawler worms?

or is it an empty void,
waiting to be filled with more dirt?


gnarled gasoline tendrils
crept into my nostrils
as i filled the tank to the top
mild mildew missiles
shot through the old garage
as i dripped the last drop
cool beams of air
shot across the morning soil
wiping up the morning dew
from the widely dispersed ferns
and a hollow hum rung out
in the misty distance
as the first rider of the day
hit the first stretch of trail


it used to be that dirt bikes didn't ride
they were but a twinkle in an inventors eye
the soil was clean of wheeled stunts
and the air untouched by the motors grunts
in this time before dirt bike feats
dirt was kicked up by horses feet

behold the original horse power:
gunning through the forested trails
swiping their straw-like tails
preparing the world
for future dirt based tales


mild dirt slopes cover the environment
pristine soil untouched by dirt bike interactions
like a powder day on the skiers slope
the course awaits its first rider


sticks and stones
are often thrown
by dirt bikes in the forest

as echoes kick
from stunts so sick
the dirt rains down before us


a swell of rumbles
bumble in the baking air
corrosion clutters the track
as the dirt bike sheds its rusty hair


stunts accumulate
in the whetted world
riders come and go
dirt kicks up
and drips back down
and settles on ground below

though over the years
dirt bikes will change
in color and shape
sound and spirit
one thing remains the same:

a twist of a wrist
with a clenched fist
will always ignite
the motor's flame
malleable ground muddies
as rain plip plops on the brittle dirt
the engine's wail echoes wetly
the rider guns with mirth


the motor sucks up air
and pops out explosions
the tires turn on an axis
and pop out dirt crud
gravity pulls it all along
and i realize in the moment
life is like a dirt bike
that is shooting toward the mud
a stunt is an accumulation
of scientific interactions
and vertical excursions